Robert Garita
Joined over 11 years ago.Bio
Costa Rican, Architect specialized in digital fabrication and social innovation. Former director of Fab Lab Veritas, currently president & co-founder of the Fab Lab Costa Rica Association and promoter of the Mobile Fab Lab Kölbi | Veritas, the first mobile digital manufacturing laboratory in Central America. He holds a Master degree from the Institute of Advanced Architecture Institute of Catalonia, a Diploma on Digital Fabrication from the Fab Foundation and is a Certified Innovation Manager by Leipzig University. He has participated as a tutor in postgraduate workshops for institutions such as the Advanced Architecture Institute of Catalonia and the Bartlett School of Architecture in London. In 2011 he received the "Excellence in Business Management" prize by the Total Quality Association in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Selected by the Costa Rican newspaper El Financiero as one of the 40 most influential persons under 40 in Costa Rica for 2016.
He currently serves as Operational Manager at IbTECHar Digital Solutions, and Fab Lab Manager for the QBIC Fab Lab, located at the Qatar Business Incubation Center in Doha.
- https://www.facebook.com/robert.garita?ref=bookmarks
- https://plus.google.com/u/0/114515117547250914657/posts
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkf9ubgstFGRmUJAGqzpkpA
- https://vimeo.com/user16291087
Works at:
- Mada Fab Lab - General Supervisor
- IbTECHar Fab Lab - Operations Manager
- Sanea Bus / Mobile Fab Lab - Operations Manager
- QBIC Fab Lab - Fab Lab Manager
- SifaisLab - Co-Founder & Director