北外附属龙游湖外国语学校, 高新区双龙路99号, 如皋市, 江苏省, 226532 , China
Lab tags:
RIA Fab Lab is a part of STEMInsight - RIA STEM center at Rugao International Academy, Nantong, China. It is a practice to integrate digital fabrication into STEM education for K12 students. RIA Fab Lab is committed to open to students, teachers and makers from local community in form of workshops, project-based learning programs, seminars etc. It also opens to entrepreneurs and professionals to share their experience and provide technical assistance to the youths. It offers the space to enable incubate to innovate, enable ideas to grow.
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Fraiseuse de précision