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ProteinLab UTEM
Dieciocho 414, Santiago, Santiago, 8330526, Chile
Lab Details
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ProteinLab UTEM it depends the Universidad TecnolĂłgica Metropolitana of Chile. Which addresses from the interdisciplinary action, the areas of Technological and Social Innovation, Telecommunications, Internet of Things and Product Design.

ProteinLab UTEM develop applied research, technological exploration and Technology Transfer between UTEM and innovation ecosystem. Its mission is to foster interdisciplinary research and exploration in digital technologies for innovation of products, services and applications in conjunction with industry and public-private institutions national and international. To make it possible it opens his doors to students, teachers and entrepreneurs, offering them support respectively for their thesis, investigation and projects and gathering in exchange knowledge and expertise in new technological areas.

Locally, to reinforce their position of key players in the development of new products, the team will develop an innovation unit dedicated to the new methodologies of innovation and to the promotion of disruptive businesses and investigation.

Internationally, they aim to develop a red of Protein Labs in partnership with Universities, such as the one of Bresil which whom they are already collaborating and asked them for replicating their model there.

Based on their experience, the future of Protein Lab will be now placed under the labels of collaboration and distribution.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D-Drucken
  • CNC-FrĂ€sen
  • Leiterplattenherstellung
  • Laserschneiden/-gravieren
  • PrĂ€zisionsfrĂ€sen
  • Schneideplotten
VĂ­ctor Meza Herrera
Electronic Engineer & Researcher
Macarena Valenzuela Zubiaur
Coordinator & Researcher
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