Physalis Lab
Avenida Ecuador 3493, Santiago, RM, 9170124, Chile
+56 2 2718 1208
Lab Details
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The Physalis Fablab is part of the Physicas Department of Universidad de Santiago de Chile and was conceived to boost the ability of community members to materialize scientific knowledge.
Physalis is the right space to develop an idea and convert it into a physical prototype in an atmosphere of self-learning and cooperation.
The space has several machines for conventional and digital fabrication and plenty of manual tools that can be used for this purpose. The only requirements to use Physalis facilities are a short safety course and a subscription that allows the members to reserve machines.
Physalis is also the space of cycles of workshops organized by our team, which are focused in both digital fabrication and innovation. Our cycles of workshops highlight the importance of materializing ideas into prototypes and products to have an impact on society, gathering in the same space members from the physics department with other members of the community and professionals from other fields.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D-Drucken
  • Laserschneiden/-gravieren
  • Schneideplotten
Leonardo Gordillo
Lab Director
Upcoming Events

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