Fab Lab Kä Träre
202, San José, San Pedro, Costa Rica, Mercedes, Montes de Oca, San Jose, 11501, Costa Rica
(506) 22343236 ext.4620 katrare.uned@gmail.com
Lab Details
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The Fab Lab Kä Träre belongs to the Distance State University of Costa Rica. This is the only university in this country that has a model of distance learning whose main objective is to democratize higher education. This goal is also supported and promoted with the projects and initiatives developed in the Fab Lab, allowing the interaction of various populations with open technologies, applying these to different areas of knowledge in order to solve problems or meet needs in an innovative and functional way. The Laboratory develops projects in which Arduino and Raspberry Pi kits are delivered to students, as support tools in their courses and careers; also, projects that reach less-favored populations such as those deprived of their liberty, children and youth with the autistic spectrum, children and youth of populations at social risk, women entrepreneurs, among others.

The Laboratory has also the attribute of being part of the Vice-rectorate of Research of the University reason why every project or initiative involves activities such as piloting, evaluation, systematization and proposal of policies related to open technologies, Innovation among others.

The Laboratory includes professionals with different backgrounds such as Graphic Design, Audiovisual Production, Teaching, Math, Psychology and Computer Engineering, and the projects bring professionals from other areas such as Special Education, Biology, Interior Design, and others.

Currently the Laboratory has 27 active projects including: 3D printing of steriolithographic models to support dental diagnostics, 3D prints of a frog species to study their behavior, delivery of technological devices to students with difficult socio-economic situations, use of technology and art to explain theories of space and time.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impressão 3D
  • Usinagem CNC
  • Produção de circuitos
  • Corte Laser/Gravação
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Diana Hernández
Lab Coordinator
Ana María Sandoval Poveda
Maker / Researcher
Esteban Campos
Maker / Researcher
Farith Tabash Pérez
Maker / Researcher
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