Via Franco Molè 25, Terni, TR, 05100, Italy
Lab tags:
HackLab Terni realizes projects in the fields of robotics, projection mapping, CNC machine
tools, energy monitoring, props for theatrical productions, and takes part in public events with its projects, talks and workshops. It organizes courses of electronics for young and grown-ups and workshops for children to promote learning of basic skills.
It organizes an annual “Terni Maker Festival”, based on Maker Faire example, too.
All members are informed of the progress of projects during weekly meetings. Those who are not present can read a report of the meeting, that is published on the website. The documentation of the projects is published in the wiki pages of the website (http://dev.hacklabterni.org) and is available for the public. Projects are also presented on the blog (http://hacklabterni.org) together with news on activities and events.
Our main objectives are the spread of a creative use of technology together with the use, production and sharing of Free and Open Source Software and Open Source Hardware.
The whole community of citizens. The geographical scope of the practical activity is mostly centered in Terni, even if there are also members and visitors from other places who come to the meetings. However HackLab Terni also takes part in national and international events that take place for instance in Rome and Milan.
We are part of the CoderDojo community and have important collaboration, such as with Google, during the “Google for Entrepreneurs Week”.
- http://hacklabterni.org/
- http://dev.hacklabterni.org/
- https://www.facebook.com/hacklabterni?fref=ts
- https://www.pinterest.com/hacklabterni/
- https://twitter.com/HackLabTerni
- https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=it#!forum/hacklab-terni
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCTmUTWnyTGgd76c1_7C0RQ/
- https://vimeo.com/user11823495
- https://www.flickr.com/photos/hacklabterni
- https://delicious.com/hacklabterni
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser