Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University Dr. M A Wazed Miah Research Centre, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University , Dhaka, Agargaon , 1207, Bangladesh
Lab tags:
The Fab Lab Sher-e- Bangla Agricultural University (FAB LAB SAU) is established in January 2017 at the heart of Dhaka city and is aimed do work in the field of innovative agriculture and fabricating Dhaka city for a smart FAB City. The FAB LAB SAU will focus on 3I; Inspiration, Idea, and Innovation for sustainable agricultural development. This lab will be the space for the action or process of manufacturing or inventing something especially for next-generation agricultural farming and smart city fabrication with innovative know-how. The FAB LAB SAU is also the beginning of the new era: the production by itself, where you can create your own product. We believe that all clusters of dwellers must participate in the community of this innovative space. Fabrication and prototyping are no longer limited to experts and large-scale manufacturing processes. Artists and designers today now have fabrication and prototyping experience as part of their education and professions and making machines more affordable and processes are simpler and easier to learn for everyone.
The FAB LAB SAU is an open access lab for anyone for doing or making almost anything. This lab is comprised of few fab lab equipment like 3D printers, Laser cutter, CNC milling machines and vinyl cutter etc. Apart, there will be a space for smart jute innovations, recycling PET bottle, solar-powered innovation cell etc.
The FAB LAB SAU will be a connection hub for everyone 24x7 with international fab lab communities with video conferencing systems to make anything from any corners of the world. We know that digital fabrication provides into industrial processes is more than a DIY dream. We will make your idea into a product following share-construct design-innovate limitless rules.
FABLAB SAU also working for building mini-laboratory pieces of equipment which are used for agriculture laboratory analysis or any other chemical analysis.
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Leiterplattenherstellung
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Präzisionsfräsen
- Schneideplotten