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Fablab O - NICE 2035
四平路 1028弄 39号, Yangpu District, Shanghai, Shanghai, 200092, China
(021) 80181915
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NICE 2035 is a framework project under which a number of social innovation initiatives grounded in the Siping neighborhood in Shanghai – where Tongji DESIS lab is located – are carried out. Siping neighborhood is characterized by old residential areas built in the 1970’s and 80’s for industrial workers, and higher educational institutions (Tongji university).
A network of labs that have different goals and focuses ranging from food, entertainment, mobility, to incubation have been established in the Siping neighbourhood. These self-standing labs explore future ways of living autonomously, but at the same time, aim to create cluster effect together in the neighbourhood, and the city in the long run.
Recently released ‘Shanghai Master Plan 2017-2035’ (also known as “Shanghai 2035”) underlines the potential role of neighborhoods in developing the city into a more attractive, humane city. NICE 2035 envisions neighborhoods as arenas for social innovation as well as business innovation, and community-supported ecosystems of open-innovation for future living.
The team from Fablab O Shanghai carried on the installation of the fabrication laboratory in the spaces of the NICE 2035 project. The activities are mainly in the field of lower education, providing open weekends for kids and familiews from the neighborhood. The lab is as well used for conferences and open lectures from visiting professors at Tongji University and Fablab O that are open to everyone.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impressão 3D
  • Produção de circuitos
  • Corte Laser/Gravação
  • Usinagem de precisão
  • Para quem é voltado o
Saverio Silli
Course Director
Fablab O
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