Fab LAB Newton
Av. Presidente Carlos Luz, 220 - Alto Caiçaras , Centro Universitário Newton Paiva - Campus Carlos Luz, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 31230-010, Brazil
Lab Details
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This lab is an academic Fab Lab, inside of Centro Universitário Newton Paiva. We articulate and make available all equipments and infrastructure for the internal and external community create projects that solves real urban problems. Because of this FabLab, all students, partners and external community can create many more projects in a faster and more collaborative way. We also has a discipline that all our 15k students enrol which is called "Applied Projects” and now we are promoting the use of the FabLab for all those students to create any kind of prototype they want. Besides the disciplines we are constantly providing workshops and courses for the internal and external community to participate. Mon-Fri is open from 8h00 to 22h00. On Wednesdays it is open for the general public.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impression 3D
  • Fraiseuses à commande numérique
  • Production de C.I.
  • Découpe/Gravure Laser
  • Fraiseuse de précision
  • Découpe Vinyle
Rodrigo Bard
2D and 3D Mentor
Vivian Moreira
Fab Lab Manager
Pedro Henrique Silva Soares
Electronics and robotics Mentor
Upcoming Events

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