Fab Lab Casa Firjan
R. Guilhermina Guinle, 211, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 22270-060, Brazil
Lab Details
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Casa Firjan is a place committed to the reflection and creation of proposals and innovative solutions to the challenges of the new economy in a constantly changing society.

With a unique performance model, Casa Firjan works at the same time as a nucleus of entrepreneurship and innovation, with courses aligned with the new demands of the labor market and cultural activities, as well as an environment of debate and elaboration of public policies.

The Fab Lab is a strategic part of the house allowing the materialization of inventions and innovations.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impression 3D
  • Fraiseuses à commande numérique
  • Production de C.I.
  • Découpe/Gravure Laser
  • Fraiseuse de précision
Dennison Siqueira
Willian Barela Costa
Senior content innovation analyst
Matheus Ferreira
Analista de Conteúdo e Inovação Empresarial (Eletrônica)
Luisa Fosco
Especialista de Conteúdo e Inovação no Fab Lab
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