Université de Djibouti - Campus de Balbala , 1904, Djibouti
Lab tags:
The Fablab is located in the University of Djibouti and operates an open-door policy to offer digital, technology, and entrepreneurial skills training to university students, local community and young returnee, or potential migrants who have had varying access to higher education and training opportunities.
The Fablab aims to furnish an open space for collaboration and to provide users with the basic knowledge and assistance necessary for the creation of personal and participatory projects, thus to empower young people and their communities to engage more effectively in dialogue and action by leveraging digital tools and networks.
The dual role of the Creative Space, both educational and humanitarian promotes protection, employability, research, creation, and achievement.
- https://lanation.dj/zoom-sur-le-projet-fab-lab/
- https://lanation.dj/les-ministres-de-la-communication-et-de-lenseignement-superieur-visitent-le-fablab-de-la-faculte-dingenierie/
- https://www.africanews.com/2020/04/21/coronavirus-djibouti-digital-space-for-migrants-supplies-3d-printed-face-shields-to-hospitals-treating-covid-19-cases-in-djibouti/
- https://www.africanews.com/2020/04/21/coronavirus-djibouti-digital-space-for-migrants-supplies-3d-printed-face-shields-to-hospitals-treating-covid-19-cases-in-djibouti/
- https://www.iom.int/news/iom-djiboutis-first-fab-lab-offers-young-migrants-tech-and-support
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabdjibouti
- Impresión 3D
- Fresado CNC
- Corte y grabado laser
- Cortadora de vinilo