No 63, Haipo Road, Shibei District, Qingdao, China, 266299, China
Lab tags:
青岛工业设计创新中心与深圳开放创新实验室联合打造最新产品和研发Fab Academy教育课程、产业链协作服务链三大功能板块,为小型企业及个人创业者实现创意概念,对接供应链,走向市场化。
The Fab Lab Qingdao was co-founded by Qingdao International Design Center and Shenzhen Open Innovation Lab focuses on latest products and research Fab Academy education course, collaboration of industry chain and service chain, helping small-sized enterprises and individual entrepreneurs to realize creative concept and supply chain connection and to become marketization.
Devices in space
3D Printer, 3D scanners, Laser cutter, Small digital machine tools CNC, Large digital machine tools CNC, Digital vinyl cutter, Software development workstation, Open source hardware kit, Scratchpad and others.
*Fab Academy教育课程
Fab Academy education courses
使用FAB LAB数字化制造工具进行快速原型制造;
Use FAB LAB digital making tool to make prototype quickly;
Operate electric design and make circuit board consisting of sensors and output devices by yourself;
Program AVR mini-controller on the circuit board made by yourself;
Make conceptual ideas become molding and casting
Familiar with 3D printing and scanning knowledge.
Industry chain collaborating services
Perform pre-assessment, market research promotion, and crowd funding for creative projects to achieve rapid product circulation and capitalization;
Help enterprises and maker teams to communicate with each processing manufacturer to realize all industry chain including processing, manufacturing, producing in world-level factories.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser