Walter Gonzales Arnao
Joined about 4 years ago.Bio
Architect-Industrial Designer-Master of Renewable Energies-Aspiring Doctor in Physics, Digital design certificate, Fab Academy 2012 (MIT-CBA / USA). Professor, National University of Engineering - Faculty of Architecture. Fab Lab worldwide network member, (Digital Design Laboratory); Co-founder of the Fab Craft network, (Latin American network-digital crafts). With the purpose of rescuing ancient artisan techniques, he developed the Fab Loom project, applying digital technologies. With 73 granted patents, 53 pending patents and 3 software registrations. The proj. Fab Loom has been replicated in the Fab Labs of the network on all continents. Having made workshops and presentations, of the project. Fab Loom, in Lima (fab 7), Auckland-NZ (fab 8), Austria, Rome, Yokohama (fab 9), Tokyo Paris, Greece, Madrid, Barcelona (fab 10), North Carolina, Boston (fab 11) , Miami, NY, Washington, Austin, Seoul, Costa Rica, Shenzhen-China (fab 12), Santiago de Chile (fab 13), Quito, Cuenca-Ecuador, La Paz, Cochabamaba-Bolivia, Toulouse (fab 14), Colombia , Mexico DF. Cairo Egypt (Fab 15) Internship / workshop at Medialab-Prado, Madrid, to perfect the Pedal Loom, (February-March, 2015). Having carried out installations in Geatafe-Madrid (Virtual Coverage), Cuzco-Santiago de Chile (Hanging Bridge). Proj. hosted on the MIT-CBA website (http://fabacademy.org/archives/2012/students/gonzales.walter/index.html). Winner of the first place of the “4th Ibero-American Design Biennial 2014”, with the project “Pedal Loom”, awarded in Madrid by the Spanish Agency for Development Cooperation, Design for Development category. Winner of the first place of the "VIII National Design Award for Peruvian Crafts 2018-Innovation in Crafts", project: Waist Loom for the blind, awarded Ministry of Foreign Trade, Productive Processes category. Recognition "6th Ibero-American Design Biennial 2018", Mention: Design for all People, awarded by ONCE-Spain, project. Loom 2.0