Walter Correia
Joined almost 9 years ago.Bio
Doctor in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) with Stage at the Technical University of Lisbon (UTL), Portugal (2007), Master in Production Engineering from UFPE (2002), Specialist (Lato Sensu) Ergonomics UFPE (2001) and Bachelor of Industrial Design with specialization in Product Design UFPE (1999). He's currently Director of the CAC - Arts and Communication Center (2012 - 2020), and is Associate Professor of UFPE, in the course of Design. He's permanent teacher and counselor at PPGDesign | Graduate Program in Design - Master and Doctorate, besides acting as a Contributor in MPES - Professional Masters in Software Engineering of the CESAR EDU - Center for Studies and Advanced Systems of Recife, and MPDAD - Professional Master in Design (with focus in Digital Artifacts), also CESAR. Currently is Local Coordinator in International Cooperation at UFPE in the BRAFITEC with Grenoble INP, UTBM, ENSGaSI (UL) | France. Currently is a Efective Member of the Advisory Board and Innovation Evaluation of the Foundation for Science and Technology of the State of Pernambuco (FACEPE) . He has extensive experience in Industrial Design, with emphasis in Product Design, Ergonomics and Standardization, Usability, working mainly in the areas of Design of Design, Product Safety, User Centered Design, Usability and Rapid Prototyping. Member of the Management of Bamboo Brazilian Network Committee (RBB), and works in partnership with INMETRO in the Product Evaluation Program (PAP). In addition, he is Productivity Researcher Level 2 from CNPq.