Mark Lucas
Joined over 8 years ago.Bio
Project Manager - STEM+Industry 4.0 Secondary Education Workshop: Trainer's Edition (Fab Lab 4.0 STEM Seed Grant Program of the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines, in partnership and support of Fab Lab in Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology.
Fabrication Laboratory Manager - FABLAB Ilocos (SY 2016-2020)
Special Science Teacher - Philippine Science High School-Ilocos Region Campus
Works at:
- Negosyo Center - Fabrication Laboratory and Co-Working Space Ilocos Region (FAB LAB Ilocos) - Teacher; Fabrication Laboratory Manager (SY 2016-2017; SY 2017-2018; SY 2018-2019; SY 2019-2020)