Sam Albee
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Temperature and particle motion
All substances consist of particles that can move more or less violently. How violently the particles of a substance move depends on the type of substance, the state of aggregation and, above all, the temperature - do my homework . The following applies to solids, liquids and gases:
The higher the temperature of a body, the more violently the particles of the substance of which the body is made move.
When the temperature decreases, the particles move less violently and at very low temperatures they hardly move at all. The lowest possible temperature is the one at which the particles no longer move. This temperature is called absolute zero - https://domyhomework.club/chemistry-problem-solver/ . It is 0 K or -273.15 °C. This absolute zero is also the starting point for the Kelvin scale, which was developed by the English natural scientist Lord Kelvin (1834-1907). Kelvin found absolute zero through theoretical considerations on the connection between temperature and particle movement. In the meantime, it has been possible experimentally to generate temperatures close to absolute zero in the laboratory.
Temperature and kinetic energy of the particles
Since the movement of particles is temperature-dependent and the higher the temperature - https://domyhomework.club/html-assignment-help/Â , the faster they move, there is also a connection between the temperature of a body and the kinetic energy of the particles of which it is composed:
The temperature of a body is a measure of the average kinetic energy of its particles.
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