Ronan Bolaños Linares

Joined almost 2 years ago.

Professor at the UNAM Faculty of Architecture.
Architect graduated with honors from the UNAM Faculty of Architecture in 2001 and Doctor in Architecture with cum laude mention from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in 2008.

Winner of the Fabfoundation 'Bit Ninja' Scholarship for the international distributed education program Fabacademy, generation 2023. He held the Javier García Lascurain 2020-2021 Special Chair “Fundamentals of Parametric Design and Robotic Manufacturing”. National University for Young Academics in Architecture and Design 2017 Distinction, Responsible and participant in various applied technology research projects since 2016. Faculty Advisor at the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014 in Versailles France, with the first Mexican team, where they obtained first place in Engineering and Construction, second place in Urban Design Transportation and Affordability and third place in Sustainability. Member of the PAPIIT Applied Research and Technological Innovation evaluation committee 2019-22. Member of the National Research System SNII.

Secretary of the Academic Commission of the Association of Architecture Teaching Institutions of the Mexican Republic (ASINEA) since 2019. Director of the Laboratory of Architecture + Design and Technological Experimentation [LATE]. He teaches courses in Parametric Design and Generative Architecture and 'Development of courses in distance and mixed mode with Moodle' since 2013 with DGAPA. He has been a member of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) since 2017 and participates in its scientific committee.
Author, Jury, Evaluator and tutor of different national and international texts, products and processes. Additionally, he has taught classes at UNAM, LaSalle (CDMX), Universidad Anáhuac del Norte, UADY and Universidad del Istmo in Guatemala.
He designs and builds as a partner in the architecture firm Bolaños Boo architects (BBaa).

Ronan Bolaños Linares signed up
almost 2 years ago