Ricardo Dória
Joined about 10 years ago.Bio
Ricardo Doria loves innovation and entrepreneurship. He is co-founder of A Grande Escola, a school for things you don't learn at school, and founder of Aldeia Coworking, a collaborative working and learning space, where local young entrepreneurs can find connections and resources to start and develop their own innovative ideas. He is barchelor in Social Communications and has a master degree on business administration at Universidade Federal do Paraná, where he studied diffusion of innovations and social network structure. Along with these entrepreneurship and education efforts, Ricardo also helps communicating and accelerating the Curitiba's creative economy by being the lead organizer of the Pecha Kucha Nights Curitiba, an event of micro-fun-lectures where people from the city present their work to the community.
Works at:
- FabLab Curitiba - Fab Lab Manager