Melissa Pardun
Joined almost 9 years ago.Bio
Located in Waco, TX. I am the co-owner and executive director of Maker's Edge makerspace. We are a membership-based, DIY makerspace and entrepreneurship community. We actively combine manufacturing, equipment, mentorship and education to enable our community to design, prototype and create projects that highlight multi-discipled creations. We have a 6000 sqft shop with woodworking, metalworking, computer programming, electronics and robotics, rental space and digital fabrication hubs surrounding a core, shared assembly area. We have everything from a 4x8 CNC router and laser cutter to a 32in vinyl cutter and jewelry making station.
- http://www.TheMakersEdge.com
- https://twitter.com/MakersEdgeWaco
- https://www.instagram.com/makersedge/?hl=en
- https://www.facebook.com/makers.edge
- https://plus.google.com/+MakersEdgeBlogspot
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxZQ1FMfmO6WkpFWgxVltOQ
Works at:
- Maker's Edge makerspace - Co-Owner, Executive Director