Dan Zaharia
Joined over 8 years ago.Bio
Dan Zaharia, Senior Consultant at Extind, has more than 20 years of management and business development experience, has an MBA at ASE Bucharest. Suporter of the IT & Outsourcing industry development in Romania, active as a Senior Consultant on the regional office markets in the 2nd and 3rd tier cities. Trainer and speaker at various events in the business and academic environment: Power L@unch, BringITOn, Startup Weekend, Romanian Outsourcing Summit & Awards, FII Practic, AIESEC - Leadership on Fire, HR Summit, Business Days.
- https://ro.linkedin.com/in/danzaharia
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabiasi/
- https://www.facebook.com/dan.zaharia.549
Works at:
- Fab Lab Iasi - Lab Manager