joyce attah
Joined over 4 years ago.Bio
My good name is Joyce Attah and I am from the USA. I like to travel different places. Recently, I have visited Kenya. It is a beautiful country and I have bought a handsome pair of blue block lenses. Blue Light is a part of the noticed spectrum, which generates from each digital source such as virtual screens, PCs, Smartphone, luminous lighting, sun, etc. This type of light gets devoted somewhere down in the eye and possibly affecting to long-lasting vision period. A Blue Block Lens helps to diminish the exposure to hurtful blue light and offers at least 90% security from UV rays.
- https://www.evernote.com/shard/s736/sh/975668a3-8c08-0e65-e055-5deb52c07d83/9b3c54a68bec0b1f38a69e70a74c6ec5
- https://sunglasses-kenya.tumblr.com/post/625413223253950464/why-should-you-wear-sunglasses-at-indoors
- https://glasses-frames-kenya.blogspot.com/2020/08/why-should-you-wear-sunglasses-at.html
- https://blueblocklens.wordpress.com/
- https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/joyceattah/post473541058//