tahsin demir
Joined over 7 years ago.Bio
'm enthusiast person about Digital Prototyping and Modelling. I have worked diverse companies as an Industrial Product Designer, especially concept development team as CAD designer. I'm bringing lectures and seminars about 3D prototyping, modelling in cad environmet using different kind of cad softwares and basic techniques of 3d printing.
• Guest Lecturer at Anadolu University and Beykent University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Industrial Design Department
• Given lessons: Computer Aided Industrial Design, Design and Geometry, Product Studio , Form, material and production
OKA - Middle Black Sea Development Agency Senior Expert ‘FabLabs‘ Training on the Job’
• To provide technical assistance for the capacity building of the OKA Staff related to ‘Fablabs’.
• Organize a education program
OKA - Middle Black Sea Development Agency Senior NKE Regional Planning Expert
• TA for Increasing Competitiveness of the Middle Black Sea Region (TR83) TR07R1.22-04/001
• Produce a Benchmark Report of the capability and capacity of the Region regarding development of creative industries based on a ‘Fablab’ model or other appropriate models.
• Summarize the overview of the current situation, definitions, suggestions for appropriate models and /or best ‘Fablab’ arrangements and conclusions.
04/2015-04/2017 FabLab Istanbul, Kadir Has University Technical Project Coordinator As a Project Coordinator;
• Technical assistance and guidance for promoting and executions of the FabLab project in Istanbul founded by Istanbul Development Agency;
• Increasing competitiveness, internationalisation and regional development strategies;
• Provide support for both regional and none- regional organisations, Institutions relevant with fablab concept;
• Execution of the services, managing the process of the setting up and after process, trainings, meetings etc.
• Organizing and coordinating related meetings and seminar;
• Organising events and coordinating media relations
• Working on network building and regional planning
01/2014-02/2015 Innovative Design Centre, Okan University, Industrial Design Department Industrial Designer
• Manage Industrial Design based new concept development studies founded by Istanbul Development Agency;
• Responsible for the design and technical division for the projects;
• Organizing and coordinating related meetings and seminar
• Responsible for operational plans
01/2011-10/2011 MSGSU- Computational Design Lab Researcher
• I was working at a department which is mainly responsible for Computational Design area and the research
• I took an active role in the Computational Design Lab. Providing training service
• Gained experience CAD-CAM areas
• Gained experience on event management and organizational duties;
• Organizing and coordinating related meetings and seminar and working on network building and operational plans;
03/2009-06/2011 Tepas Textile and Plastic Co. Industrial Designer
• Responsible for the Packaging Design area of the home textile products
Works at:
- Anadolu FabLab - Guest Lecturer, FabLab Co.