Andrêssa de Andrade
Joined about 8 years ago.Bio
Graduating in Architecture and Urban Planning at Federal University of Piauí (Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI). Also studied Architecture and Technology for the Creative Industry at the University of Limerick in Ireland for 1 year, between 2014 unitl 2015, through the exchange program Science Without Borders, where I had my first contact with Digital Fabrication during a summer internship at Fab Lab Limerick.
As a student and future Architect and Urbanist, I intend to apply all the knowledge obtained during graduation for improvements within my area of knowledge, being professionally qualified and able to exercise my role in society as best as I can, seeking for architectural, Urban and Social Mobility. I have been involved in researches related to digital fabrication and prototyping in architecture, teaching lectures and mini-courses in the area, which has led to the development of studies, with the collaboration of experienced professionals in this area and, therefore, worked in the foundation of Fab Lab Teresina, located in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, being a Fab Lab Manager. After that project, we'have updated the team and developed a 2.0 Lab, focused in new technologies e solutions for daily challenges with inovations skills, the Opala Fab Lab.
- https://ufpi.br/ultimas-noticias-ufpi/14480-intercambio-de-estudante-da-ufpi-traz-possibilidade-de-parceria-com-a-university-of-limerick-2
- http://ufpi.br/ultimas-noticias-ufpi/15350-fadex-e-departamento-de-arquitetura-discutem-a-instalacao-do-primeiro-fablab-no-piaui
- https://www.irishtimes.com/news/education/a-second-home-the-brazilian-influx-to-irish-universities-1.2118797
- http://www.ufpi.br/ultimas-noticias-ufpi/20915-fab-lab-teresina-busca-parcerias-em-reuniao-com-a-senadora-regina-sousa