Fablab Asia Network


In the Asian region, the first FabLab was born in India. Since that time, it has expanded to more than 15 sites in 7 countries.

During the International Conference of FabLab administrators held in Japan in August of 2013 (FAB9), it was discussed and agreed that there is a need to share knowledge and collaborate on certain issues in Asia. Therefore, collaboration is necessary and the FabLab Asia Network was proposed.

The following are the aims for the Asian region identified at the international conference:

To increase the FabLabs in Asia;
To improve the FabLab Technology in Asia;
To promote common use of local Asian materials in FabLab;
To solve common Asian problems and promote collaborations among Asian FabLabs;


Fablab Taipei
Taipei City, Taiwan TW
Seoul Innovation Fab Lab
서울특별시, South Korea KR
FabLab Tsukuba
Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan JP
Fablab UP Cebu
Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines PH
Fab Lab Dhaka
Dhaka, Dhaka BD


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Fablab Kamakura
鎌倉市扇ガ谷, 神奈川県 JP

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Vigyan Ashram
Pabal, Maharashtra, India IN

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Super Fablab Kerala
Kochi, Kerala , India IN

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FabLab Bohol
Tagbilaran City, Central Visayas, Philippines PH

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Fablab Saigon
Ho Chi Minh City VN

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FabLab Kannai
Yokohama, Kanagawa JP

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Fab Lab Seoul
Seoul KR