Ductless Fume Hoods
A variety of filters and work surfaces available to suit your specific experimental needs. (refer to accessory section)
High-quality polyester fibre pre-filter for trapping larger particles and increasing the life of the main HEPA filter.
Large-capacity blower maintaining sufficient intake flow rate and reducing noise. (less than 55 dB under normal operation)
Fluorescent light installed outside the workspace in order to prevent the airflow hindrance as well as the contamination while maintaining illumination intensity.
Easy monitoring of the internal airflow speed thanks to built-in anemometer.
Comfortable front access to cartridge type of filters for easy replacement.
Built-in utility hole for easily routing the cords or wires of the equipment placed inside the hood.
Fully or half openable front door for convenient transport of experimental apparatuses and equipment into or out of the workspace.
Efficiency and capacity of activated carbon filters: BS 7989:2001
Structure, electrical outlet, lighting, and sound level: BS 7258-1:1994
Local smoke, large volume visualization, face velocity, and tracer gas: ANSI/ASHRAE 110-1995 and NF EN 14175-1

- Ductless Fume Hoods