Rua Casemiro de Abreu, 570, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, 90420000, Brazil
Lab tags:
Usina Fab Lab is a space where we share knowledge and provide access to equipments, so our community can have a place to develop their own projects, products, have fun and meet people.
To lead Usina, we are a mix of designers, architects and engineers, so we can fulfill the gaps between us and provide the support our community needs.
According to a national research from FecomercioSP (march 2012), Porto Alegre is the second most creative city in comparison to other 50 city in Brazil. We want to be part of this and we want everybody to be part also.
- http://www.usinafablab.com.br
- http://www.facebook.com/usinafablab
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/usina-fablab
- https://twitter.com/UsinaFablab
- 3D printing
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling