Brink 70 (library), Dorrestraat 1 (techniekfabriek), Deventer, Netherlands
Lab tags:
November 29 2014 the Smartlab openend in a former industrial area called Havenkwartier in Deventer Netherlands. Februari 2017 we moved to two new locations in Deventer. First location is the Library, here our lab concentrates on education and introducing our machines and techniques to Deventer. Second location is at 'de Techniekfabriek', here our lab is open for all makers to use our machines.
Our lab is run by non-technicians and open for all kind of makers. Artists, architects, musicians, students, tutors, technicians, designers and so on.
We're trying to connect all kinds of makers who have all kinds of (different) knowledge and skills.
In our lab you'll find several 3D printers (Ultimaker), lasercutters (60x90cm, 100w & 40x60cm, 60w), a vinylplotter (70cm), a heated press.
Soon there will be a vacuum form machine and a CNC-machine as well.
- http://www.smartlabdeventer.nl
- https://www.facebook.com/smartlabdeventer
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/smartlab-deventer
- Impresión 3D
- Corte y grabado laser
- Cortadora de vinilo