Sofia Center, 1 Hristo Smirnenski Street, Sofia, 1046, Bulgaria
Lab tags:
Smart Fab Lab (SFL) is the first fab lab in Bulgaria. It is hosted at the Laboratory for Urban Design, which is a working space at the backyard of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia.
The three main areas in which SFL is specialised are:
1) Smart cities - smart cities, smart buildings, smart architecture, smart transformations of public spaces;
2) Smart objects - smart sensors, wearable devices/sensors, smart objects, smart mobile device accessories, smart clothing and accessories, the Internet of Things (IoT);
3) Smart mobile apps for design and manufacturing - mobile apps for 3D and collaborative design and personal manufacturing, mobile device accessories.
SFL was founded in the summer of 2013 by Transformatori Association (http://transformatori.net/en/), Digital Spaces Living Lab (http://www.digitalspaces.info/) and private investors.
- 3D printen
- CNC frezen
- Laser Snijden/Graveren