Neseveien 1, MANDAL, 4515, Norway
Lab tags:
This FabLab is part of the school: "SKAP Kreativ Folkehoyskole".
SKAP means "make, create" in norwegian. We are already collaborating with the industry in the region, and will make an effort to become a hub for creative thinking, generating new ideas and problem solving within the technical and design area.
The students are accomodated in the school building, and we have extra rooms for the FabLab community to come and visit/teach us. The Lab is situated right in the middle of a the town og Mandal.
The lab have separat entrance from street level, and the Lab, as well as the whole school, will have as it's purpose to be transparent to/for the community. Offering a free access to the Lab and to other things that goes on at the school.
SKAP School has three main programmes:
1. Design and technology "Make it!"
2. Media and communication "Tell it!"
3. Leadership and entrepreneurship "Organize it!"
For more information please contact us:
+47 91916969
- Impresión 3D
- Fresado CNC
- Producción de circuitos
- Corte y grabado laser
- Fresado de precisión