211 Patterson Rd, Sale Creek, TN, 37373, United States of America
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The VWeLab has been multipurpose since its inception. The lab is currently being used as a way to explore different career paths students might be interested in while tapping into their creativity. Our Specialist combines digital fabrication, process skills, career education, community partnerships, and academic standards to create a dynamic educational experience for all students.
In the past, our school had one CTE (Career and Technical Education) teacher who taught three levels of Structural Systems. This encompassed safety and all types of construction. The fab lab was used to demonstrate safety and prep work before the classes went outside to build sheds or tiny houses. Our CTE teacher partnered with our Applied Mathematical Concepts teacher to use math from their class to design and build a tiny house from scratch. Two-thirds of our completers of this math class went straight to work in the skilled trades following graduation. The remaining one-third enrolled in college, with the majority enrolling in an applied science major.
Our fab lab was the catalyst, and an integral part, of propelling the partnership of Mathematics and construction to create our Future Ready Institute of Construction & Architectural Engineering
In closing, this space is used by students, and for students, to beautify our campus and prepare themselves for a possible career.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Vinyl cutting