Rovigo, c/o Cen.Ser. Padiglione A, ingresso Padiglione C, primo piano, Rovigo, 45100, Italy
Lab tags:
PoPlab – Performance Oriented Prototyping Fabrication Laboratory – is a sustainability-oriented Fabrication Laboratory for architecture and design.
It has been founded by a multidisciplinary team who are working together since several years following a parametric planning procedure(PED - Parametric Environmental Design).
PoPlab is dedicated to digital manufacturing, training, company consultation – especially concerning construction industry.
PoPlab is a FabLab which gives hospitality and support to everyone wants to transform an idea into a creation and learn how to build (almost) everything.
PoPlab is a innovative startup inspired by a social inclination (SIAVS).
Into PoPlab, Parametric Environmental Design meets CNC machines for fabrication and manufacturing.
Digital and constructive benches work side by side developing a complete planning process concerning virtual model – optimization test – prototype.
The aim of each research project is to obtain better performances using less economic and environmental resources as possible.
In the specific case of a building, for example, the goal is NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Building).
Each project is focused on consumers' comfort, their interaction with the environment, usability degree.
PoPlab proposes different way of operative participation to our activities:
> Learning: we propose daily, intensive or long term courses. The educational approach “learning by doing” allow to assimilate doing, assembling, making mistake. The cross-over lessons let to always think in therms of multidisciplinary approach and integrated planning.
> Getting better: our consultation and coaching activities are addressed to small and middle companies and the purpose is to innovate and optimize products and productive process. Our fundamental purposes are sustainability, Life Cycle Assessment awareness, company innovation.
> Discovering: the applied research is finalised to implement Parametric Environmental Design on specifics cases.
> Popularizing: PoPlab is a FabLab where training and knowledge exchange are development possibilities for everyone, and our aim is to support local manufacturing methods, promote Open Source culture, being a link between different expertise and skills.
PoPlab is addressed to:
> Architects and designers who want to improve their planning method and comprehend new planning tools (instruments, skills);
> Construction companies and enterprises involved in innovation and environmental, economic and social sustainability;
> Citizens, students, children who want to discover a new world and learn making.
- http://www.poplab.cc/
- https://www.facebook.com/poplabrovigo
- https://www.instagram.com/poplab_architecture/
- 3D printen
- CNC frezen
- Printplaat productie
- Laser Snijden/Graveren
- Precisie frezen
- Vinyl snijplotter