Kanatnaya St, 112, Odessa, 65039, Ukraine
Lab tags:
Laboratory of Mechatronics and Robotics in Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies (www.robot.onaft.edu.ua) was established in 2014. It is the first co-work space with the widely developed material base. The main aim of Laboratory is to popularize technical education in general and robotics in particular. In this regard Laboratory provides open access for everyone (conditions for access – 20 % of the time should be voluntarily devoted to social events that are valuable for Laboratory). Moreover, there is a section for school age children held every Thursday. Laboratory of Mechatronics and Robotics consists of eight auditoriums: workroom for prototyping, specialized auditorium of industrial pneumatic robotics, specialized auditorium of industrial electrical robotics, specialized auditorium of portable robotics, specialized auditorium of industrial hydraulic robotics, recreation zone for relaxation, a head office and a small storeroom. All the auditoriums have all the necessary stands and equipment for students’ education process, for work on the projects and conducting of research. There are more than 15 projects are currently being developed on the base of Laboratory. Furthermore, not only could students create their projects, but also they have the possibility to perform their graduation works within their projects developments. One of the areas of interests is the unmanned flying vehicles (UFV), in particular, creation of the own multi rotor systems of a quadrupter type and UFV of an airplane type. What’s more, among the priorities is reconstruction of robotic systems, indeed, modernization of robotic complex on the base of two pneumatic manipulators and creation of the laboratory stand on their base. There are also: development of the moving mannequin #RAIM, development of the automatic sampler of raw material #G.MIAN, development of the system of automatic landing of the explorer #MSA etc. All the projects are carried out by students at their spare (free from education process) time. There are 14 employees work in Laboratory of Mechatronics and Robotics. Laboratory of Mechatronics and Robotics takes part in the vast majority of country’s large-scale events (exhibitions, olympiads, hakatons etc.). Moreover, Laboratory is the founder of «Robotronica» – the annual festival/exhibition for popularization of technical education. Laboratory of Mechatronics and Robotics #MiRONAFT today is officially recognized and the largest scientific and research laboratory and, what’s more, the only one FabLab laboratory on HEI base in Ukraine. Laboratory is the second training centre of «Camozzi» company in Ukraine, the sole training centre of «Festo» company in Ukraine, one among three IoT laboratories of «Microsoft». This is just the right place where you can bring your idea to life, where you can learn something new and prove yourself.
- http://www.robot.onaft.edu.ua
- https://www.facebook.com/MIRONAFT/
- https://www.instagram.com/mironaft_fablab/
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Laser
- Vinyl cutting