Bovenbuurtweg 7, Ede, Gelderland, 6717XA, Netherlands
Lab tags:
MakersLab (Ede, the Netherlands) is open to anyone who wants to learn (through) designing and making. We have modern equipment, software and facilities to work with digital fabrication and other techniques and realize your ideas. MakersLab is for and by makers. Gain inspiration, collaborate and share knowledge. This means you can ask other users for help and share your experiences. And of course, our lab coaches are happy to help.
MakersLab also offers various opportunities for designers, start-ups and entrepreneurs. The lab space includes 3D printers, a desktop CNC mill, a 3D scanner, laser cutter, vinyl cutter, virtual reality system and a robotic arm which all can be used for freeform design, artistic applications and experiments, product development and engineering. The lab is open to everyone who wants to create with- or try out digital fabrication techniques.
- 3D printen
- CNC frezen
- Printplaat productie
- Laser Snijden/Graveren
- Precisie frezen
- Vinyl snijplotter