Carrer del Cardenal Tedeschini, 50, Barcelona, 08027, Spain
Lab tags:
LSCongres FabLab is located in Barcelona, at LaSalle Congrés School.
In our digital fabrication laboratory we provide a place, an environment, the materials, the technology and the skills to create, to learn, to invent, to share... to allow our students to make almost anything.
For this we use tools such as 3D printers, CNC milling machines or a vinyl cutter as well as technical and logistical assistance are available to facilitate invention. But we put equal emphasis on creating multidisciplinary dynamics, based on sharing knowledge between students, focusing their learning on the learning by doing and introducing them to the maker culture.
- 3D printen
- CNC frezen
- Printplaat productie
- Vinyl snijplotter