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La Fabrique Numerique de Gonesse
17 rue marc sangnier, Centre socio-Culturel Marc sangnier, Gonesse, France, 95500, France
+33 615487657
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The training center "La fabrique Numerique de Gonesse" is a social fablab, open in the "la Fauconniere" area at Gonesse, a popular district at less 30 km of Paris to North Est. Here, the social context is difficult, the unemployment rate is high (nineteen point two pourcent on Val d’Oise territory), so lot of young people have nothing to do, risking to fall in delinquency. There are social criterias for the selection of profiles that we discuss with the city administration. The curriculum of La Fab Num is free and open at twelve to fifteen students, aged between sixteen - twenty five years old, and who have dropped out to school and/or non-degree . During five half month, they follow a training on digital fabrication for learn skills and individual's self-identification in social group. The time of training is of four hundred thirty hours, this is divided in twenty hours by week - four days, to reason of five hours by day. We start at nine past half am until twelve past half pm, with one break between. And the afternoon is as follow : one past half pm at four past half pm with one pause. We have doing the choice of leave free two days ( friday and saturday) for those that want to find a mini job or to approach potential employers. This structure can't delivering any diplomas, but it's a device for re-engagement and a work on identity code. We have received the french label "Grande Ecole du Numérique" (Great Digital School) who certify the training device by the Ministry of National Education, and in addition to grants granted on social grounds. We are five supervising staff : one for global partnership, one expert in training framework, two for media education, one for fablab education. Sometimes, others experts intervene for special pattern- work.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impressão 3D
  • Corte Laser/Gravação
  • Para quem é voltado o
roussel vivien
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