Batangas State University, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas, 4200, Philippines
Lab tags:
LIKHA Fab Lab will be an SSF where business enterprises engaged in top industries in the region such as furniture or furniture-related processes, electronics, can converge with modelers/designers create and develop models / design, and make prototypes for mass production. The LIKHA Fab Lab is a digital fabrication that enables collaboration and promotes transparency among the designers and modelers by the aid of computer controlled machines. Stored digital design using the sophisticated technology provides an array of services that would help the whole furniture design and manufacturing team for detailed designs, analysis, documentation and fabrication.
Driven to develop competitive advantage through improved research capability and strong research culture, the university included in its development plan the establishment of LIKHA FabLab.
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
- Para quem é voltado o fablabs.io?