Laboratório Aberto de Brasília
ULEG/ FT, CAMPUS DARCY RIBEIRO, ASA NORTE, Ponto de referência: Próximo ao posto de gasolina, Brasília, Distrito Federal, 70297400, Brazil
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The implementation of Open Labs in Brazil emerged from a partnership between the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI), SENAI, and SEBRAE through the SIBRATECSHOP Project in 2015. The initiative aimed to support the survival of startups, promote industrial development, and generate employment in the country. A total of 13 Open Labs were established, with only two located in public universities (one at UFRGS and another at ITA), while the remaining ones were set up in SENAI units across the country.
At the end of 2016, the University of Brasília (UnB), in partnership with FINATEC, SENAI, and MCTIC, began the implementation of the Brasília Open Lab (LAB), emphasizing the importance of including UnB in the national entrepreneurship stimulus map through open laboratories.
Implemented throughout 2017 and officially launched in 2018 with the support of FINATEC, the Brasília Open Lab (LAB) was institutionalized as an extension program of the Faculty of Technology at the University of Brasília. It was designed as a collaborative environment for active and multidisciplinary learning, focused on product development and prototyping.
The LAB was established with the following objectives:
i) To promote active learning methodologies, encouraging the integration of theory and practice in engineering and design courses and student projects at the university.
ii) To train professionals with skills in digital manufacturing.
iii) To provide prototyping services to the community using digital manufacturing technologies.

Digital manufacturing refers to the use of technologies for designing, creating, and producing physical objects. This approach involves computer-aided design (CAD) software, simulation, 3D modeling, and automated manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing, laser cutting, and milling machines.

At the beginning of 2019, with the inauguration of the Undergraduate Teaching Unit Building of the Faculty of Technology (ULEG/FT), the LAB’s physical infrastructure was significantly expanded. This period was marked by the revitalization of internal procedures, improving user services for both the academic community and external clients associated with the University of Brasília (UnB). Additionally, a quality management system for internal operations was implemented, ensuring the confidentiality of client project information.

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the LAB had to undertake emergency production of face shields. A total of 27,000 face shields were manufactured and donated using digital manufacturing technologies such as additive manufacturing and laser cutting. These production processes were officially approved by local health authorities (DIVISA-DF).

To support the pandemic response, an investment of R$1.500,000.00 (one million and five hundred thousand reais) was allocated to the Brasília Open Lab. These funds, provided by FAP/DF and the Public Labor Ministry, were used not only for manufacturing face shields but also for expanding the LAB’s infrastructure. This expansion directly increased the LAB’s capacity to offer prototyping services using digital manufacturing technologies.

Throughout the execution of the extension project "Brasília Open Lab Extension Program" from 2017 to 2023, the LAB played a key role in strengthening the innovation ecosystem in the Federal District in Brazil. This was achieved through digital prototyping services provided to a diverse range of clients, including participants in innovation stimulus programs at both the Federal District and national levels, such as StartBsB and Centelha, which focus on fostering startups.

Additionally, the LAB carried out prototyping services for renowned institutions, including EMBRAPA, Origens Electric Motorcycles, CPMH, and Hospital Sírio-Libanês. This diverse range of activities highlights the LAB’s broad reach and its ability to meet prototyping demands from various sectors and organizations.

Lab Capabilities
  • Stampa 3D
  • Produzione di circuiti
  • Incisione e taglio laser
Andrea Cristina dos Santos
Founder and director of the LAB.
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