place de l'église, Le Sappey-en-Chartreuse, 38700, France
Lab tags:
The Good Factory workshop is a space for "doing together". It is a space open to all. It will allow you to carry out various and varied manufacturing projects. It is equipped with both numerically controlled machines and traditional woodworking machines. Its team of employees and volunteers is at your disposal to train you in the use of machines and in the techniques and good practices of the use of wood. They are also available to discuss your projects to make them achievable with the machines present. The workshop also offers thematic workshops / projects. It is a shared space where you can become an actor / volunteer by proposing projects or improvements yourself.
- https://www.facebook.com/labonnefabrique/?eid=ARBUDOYgbi3vWYJ3HzwFNOV6SZvMLPYH3zcz78nIY-lBXxr26jWG5JgY3xp9XK6hGb6H-YT0dBa7LZbW
- http://labonnefabrique.fr
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Découpe/Gravure Laser