Hackerspace Kraków
Zacisze 5/P1, Kraków, Małopolska, 31-156, Poland
+48 12 444 7567 info@hackerspace-krk.pl
Lab Details
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Hackerspace Kraków is one of the first Hackerspaces in Poland (after e.g. Warsaw Hackerspace). We exist on the Polish makers map since late 2012 providing place for developers, hobbyists and other creative people, who want to make, learn and teach something useful. After we moved to bigger venue, we focus on equipping our hardroom - heavy workshop for dealing with wood and metal. In addition we have electronic lab, silent room and radio/network lab. We will be more than happy to join global fablab community and enrich a range of similar places in Cracow, since we work closely with Wytwórnia and Fablab Kraków.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D-Drucken
  • CNC-Fräsen
  • Leiterplattenherstellung
  • Laserschneiden/-gravieren
Wiktor Przybylski
Board Member
Jakub Kramarz
Board Member
Grzegorz Pająk
Council Member
Upcoming Events

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