2o klm E.O. KATSIKA - KOUTSELIO, ENANTI PALAIOU AERODROMIOU, Katsikas, Ioannina, 45521, Greece
Lab tags:
Powered by the young NGO Soup & Socks e.V., Habibi.Works is a FabLab of freedom where people will have all the tools at disposal to unfold their potential and bring in their skills.
Habibi.Works is most of all a meeting place where Katsikas refugee camp people, locals, entrepreneurs, and international experts will creatively collaborate around products and perspectives, combining their knowledge and sharing their expertise.
The FabLab is conveniently located right next to the camp, but also close for the local community of Ioannina. The space features 725 m^2 of space with lots of outdoor potential. Construction started early August and is about to be completed. Equipment is almost fully there, but more donations will make their way until end of the year.
- https://habibi.works
- https://soupandsocks.eu/habibi-works-coming-soon/
- https://www.facebook.com/HabibiWorks/
- https://www.instagram.com/habibiworks/
- https://twitter.com/habibiworks
- https://makezine.com/2018/05/09/open-world-habibi-works/
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling