Kolmogorova, str., 66, Ekaterinburg, 620034, Russian Federation
Lab tags:
Fab Lab based in the Ural State University of Railway Transport.
In the laboratory the opportunity to work on different equipment.
We also provide training for everyone working with equipment and help realize the creative and technical designs
We are working on laser machines, 3D printers, milling machines. There is also a user laboratory welding equipment. There are also software and hardware for 3D modeling.
The laboratory conducts educational programs to work with our equipment and engineering simulation.
We are interested in participating in other areas of science and life.
It employs 7 persons: 1 manager, 2 technicians and 4 volunteers. Laboratory area - 120sq.m
The objectives of the laboratory - Creating conditions for further development of innovative youth creativity
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting