ï¼’ï¼”, 502, Wonju, Ganmgwon-do, 26387, Korea (Republic of)
Lab tags:
Fablabs Wonju is located in Gangwon-Do, Wonju in South Korea.
We are an organization that has a great passion for leading the feature in its fast-changing industrial revolution. We specialize in future education, maker research and development. Various of maker educations are provided within our curriculum. Its programs are verified by thousands of student and creators who have gone through our programs.
Our teachers and our program developers are skilled professionals and are capable of various sectors throughout the program wherein AI, Coding, Untact STEAM etc.
There is no need to worry about space, location and equipment of the program. We provide you with space consultation and guide you through the right equipment for the program!!
Don't hesitate to contact us. We are open to you at all times.
Tel: +82(0)70-4652-3600 / Email: admin@make32.com / Home: www.make32.com
Fablabs Wonju is located in Gangwon-Do, Wonju in South Korea.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Laser