Escuela de Arquitectura, , Avenida de Reina Mercedes, 2., Sevilla, Sevilla, 41012, Spain
Lab tags:
Fab Lab Sevilla was founded in 2009, joining the Fab Lab Network in 2011. We are focused on architectural applications of digital fabrication, but interested as well in all kinds of connections and collaborations. In our practice we try to emphasize free and open source knowledge production as well as social implications of computational and fabrication technologies.
The majority of our users are students (3.000 students in our own school) but the lab is used as well by university professors and researchers, and external amateurs, professionals and companies.
Opening hours: M-F 10:00 to 15:00 h
- https://www.instagram.com/fablabsevilla
- https://twitter.com/fablabsevilla
- http://fablabsevilla.us.es
- https://www.facebook.com/sevillafablab
- http://www.pinterest.com/fablab/
- Stampa 3D
- Fresatura CNC
- Produzione di circuiti
- Incisione e taglio laser
- Fresatura di precisione
- Taglio vinile