Reggio Calabria, Via Scopelliti, Ex Forte Gullì - Località Arghillà, Reggio Calabria, Reggio Calabria, italy, 89100, Italy
Lab tags:
FabLabPoloNET located inside the Park Ecolandia, Arghillà, a few km from Reggio Calabria (RC. italy) is the first makers reality in Calabria. The intent of this FabLab is to share as much as possible the issues of autotravel and open source with an eye focused on technological innovation and vocational training.
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabpolonet
- http://www.parcoecolandia.it/1/
- http://www.isolab.info/page/home.php
- http://www.poloenergiaeambiente.it/
- https://www.facebook.com/123Modelli3DDD
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
- Para quem é voltado o fablabs.io?