Fablab Penela - Casa das Industrias Criativas, Rua Misericórdia 35, Penela, Coimbra, 3230-250, Portugal
Lab tags:
Our Fablab Penela is devoted to :
- Stimulating rural entrepreneurship base, trying to approximate the potential of new technologies from fablabs to the rural and agricultural world.
- Being a " learn by doing " partener with the various levels of education , organizing for this workshop's to several platform´s.
- Provide to all universities in the central region of portugal,( including Coimbra ) all the advantages of a Fablab .
- We are open ! Anyone can use it, only pay for materials . There are specialized monitoring personal, helping the user to integrate well in the Fablab .
Machines .
CNC Router 1000x2000mm
Laser cutter Lasersaur
vinyl cutter
Mini cnc scanner and Roland MDX - 20 Models
laser Scanner
3d Printer ( 3 models )
Tablet Pen Display
Laboratory of Electronics
Soldering Oven
Soldering Station with Hot Air
Ultrasonic Cleaner
Robot kits
Arduino kits
Raspberry kits
Power Supplies Laboratory
several computers
CAD CAM software
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Fraiseuse de précision
- Découpe Vinyle