Fablab Norilsk
15 Kotulskogo Passway, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 663319, Russian Federation
+79069005726 info@norlab.ru
Lab Details
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This year in Norilsk (which is an industrial town far North from anywhere) was opened a laboratory of the international Fab Lab community. It happened within the philanthropy program «World of new possibilities» of the MMC Norilsk Nickel. Laboratory was called «Fablab Norilsk» and based on one of the branches of local «Centralized library system».

Schoolchildren, students and enthusiast of digital fabrication are engaged in invention, programming, robotics, modeling, animatronics and other interesting to every real geek things.
After the proper training, residents of «Fablab Norilsk» will be able to take part in the robot wars, to create self-designed unique things and even make changes in the local urban landscape. Wait for the good news from us!

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D-Drucken
  • CNC-Fräsen
  • Leiterplattenherstellung
  • Laserschneiden/-gravieren
  • Präzisionsfräsen
  • Schneideplotten
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