Khulna Division, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna, 9203, Bangladesh
+8801711031968 fablab.kuet@yahoo.com
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KUET (www.kuet.ac.bd) is considered to be a top ranked engineering university in Bangladesh, where faculty members and students are highly motivated for advance research and innovative idea. The project is also focus on university-industry collaboration to make commercial products from the developed prototype in Fab Lab. The Fab Lab in KUET can act as an ‘Innovation Node’ of local and global Fab Lab network where people from different professions can join, interacts, share new idea, and finally, incubate prototype by using the established laboratory facilities.

Under this project, the core capacity of Fab Lab will be developed through the procurement of basic equipment such as 3D printer, CNC milling machine, laser cutter, electrical and electronics appliances etc. The training and operational manual of these equipment will be prepared to foster the access of Fab Lab for the innovators. Moreover, most importantly, the joint project development process will be initiated on the basis of university-industry collaboration for identifying the common research challenges to design innovative commercial product. The project will arrange awareness campaign, seminar, workshop, training to reach the concept and operation of Fab Lab towards greater portion of our community to think ‘They Can Do Anything’. The Fab Lab will assist the university students to enrich their technical skill and to accelerate the passion for doing something new for the community.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impression 3D
  • Fraiseuses à commande numérique
  • Production de C.I.
  • Découpe/Gravure Laser
  • Fraiseuse de précision
  • Découpe Vinyle
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