Thákurova 9, Praha, 16000, Czechia
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Working as a challenge based learning environment, FabLab KD x FA operates in the Faculty of Architecture as is open for both architecture and design students, as well as for any interested people wanting to learn about creative digital fabrication.
The technologies in the studio are uncommon to ateliers and studios of architecture and generally part of the centralised workshops in universities, however, this space allows students to prototype and design very easily and take part of designing and building their own FabLab.
Simultaneously, the space is used by other enthusiasts of other departments that find it difficult to access their own workshops. This space is accessible due to the support of Henri Achten, an architect, educator, and computational designer that is part of MoLAB Department and has been cultivating avant-guarde ideas in education and prototyping. Dana Matejovska is a board member of Maker Institute and has focused on process-oriented designs, the true character of what this space represents.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Laser
- Vinyl cutting