FabLab Jazan
Al Maarefah Road, college of business administration, ground floor, Jizan, 45142, Saudi Arabia
+966173295506 iec@jazanu.edu.sa
Lab Details
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FabLab Jazan, located at Jazan University at innovation and entrepreneurship center, was created in 2018. The FabLab provides a workplace and equipment for teachers and students to realize their ideas and develop projects and prototypes.
The main activities of FabLab Jazan:
- Create an environment that stimulates creativity and innovation through experimentation, exchange and transdisciplinary knowledge.
- Seek solutions to the demands of society and turning ideas into prototypes.
- Development, testing and use of 3D-printers, laser cutters and Embedded Electronic Systems based on Arduino.
- Design, simulation and manufacturing complex unique products from different types of materials (Plastic, wood, metal…).
- Holding conferences, workshops and courses related to new techniques (3D printing, laser cutting, CNC milling, electronics, robotics…).

Lab Capabilities
  • Stampa 3D
  • Fresatura CNC
  • Incisione e taglio laser
  • Taglio vinile
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