Av Pedro Diez 3, Madrid, 28019, Spain
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Fab Lab IED Madrid was born with the compromise of joining both design theory and fabrication. The space has all the usual infrastructure for digital fabrication, but also focuses on traditional crafts with infrastructure that is not easy to find available together in one place, as painting booth, welding facilities, woodworking stations, vacuformer, photographic processing, screen printing, etc.
Fab Lab IED facilities have more than 300 square meters dedicated to these tasks and we encourage experimentation and discovery. It´s focused in three main groups of users:
- Actual and former students of IED Madrid.
- Entrepreneurs and partner enterprises, that will have the possibility to develop their projects both in the business and prototyping areas.
- Maker community and people involved in embracing both education, design and open minded fabrication.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting